Top 5 dentist-authored columns of 2015

2014 12 18 16 31 01 419 Top 5 200

With the unofficial start of summer fast approaching, takes a look back at the most-read stories from the first part of the year, as measured by page views.

This time, the lists are broken down into the most-read columns authored by dentists and the most-read news stories.

Reflecting the diversity of interests of readers, our most-read columns authored by dentists so far this year include provocative call to challenge the use of pumice/rubber cup treatment in children; an entry in our popular series on coding by Doyle Williams, DDS; a passionate and nuanced argument for using silver nitrate and silver fluoride treatments; and two insightful columns by the Madow Brothers.

  1. Challenging the pumice/rubber cup 'prophylaxis' in children by David A. Nash, DMD, EdD
    January 26, 2015 - It is time, actually long past time, for the profession of dentistry to aggressively challenge the use of the pumice and rubber cup "prophylaxis" in caring for children. I place the term "prophylaxis" in scare quotes to indicate that there is nothing prophylactic about the use of pumice and a rubber cup to polish children's teeth -- it prevents nothing. Read more.

  2. Coding for patients with limited areas requiring scaling and root planing by Doyle Williams, DDS
    January 19, 2015 - One of the most frustrating insurance questions is what to do when your patient needs limited scaling and root planing, but the rest of the mouth is pretty healthy. This frequently discussed situation never seems to be resolved, because insurance companies can't agree on an answer. Read more.

  3. Black diamonds: The case for silver nitrate and silver fluoride by John Frachella, DMD
    February 18, 2015 - Sooner or later, most of your patients will end up with tooth decay. Brushing and flossing regularly doesn't guarantee decay prevention any more than when you see them twice a year for checkups, cleanings, and fluoride treatments. None of us should give up trying, but there's no surefire way to become absolutely cavity-free. Read more.

  4. Don't ever say these things to your team members by Richard H. Madow, DDS, and David M. Madow, DDS
    April 22, 2015 - As doctors and business owners, we have a lot on our hands. Frustrations are plentiful, and even the mellowest of us find a short fuse burning every once in a while. But that doesn't mean we have permission to lash out at our team members. Read more.

  5. Do you reuse the patient bibs? by Richard H. Madow, DDS, and David M. Madow, DDS
    May 6, 2015 - Most of us have been in hotel rooms where there is a little card in the bathroom asking us to reuse our dirty towels for "environmental reasons." These cards go on to inform you of the millions of gallons of water wasted each day on laundry, as well as those nasty detergents that are leaching into our oceans. And then we reuse the towels, and everyone feels good. Read more.

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