Specifications: Native Content Banners

The Native ad displays on the right side or on the bottom of the page, depending on the reader's device. You may supply content (to be hosted on our site), or an outbound URL.

If you choose to supply content, you have the option to collect leads by requesting reader information, such as First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and Company. We strongly advise against requesting the reader's phone number, as this may discourage engagement.

The image in your native ad will be used as a thumbnail. It is cropped to a square on mobile devices, and displayed as a rectangle on tablets and desktops.  For optimal display across all devices, we recommend positioning logos and text away from the edges of the image.

Please provide the following:

  1. HEADLINE: Maximum 75 characters
  2. IMAGE: Maximum 1 MB
        Dimensions: 400x300
        Format: JPG, PNG, or static GIF
  3. CONTENT: Whitepaper, case study, podcast, webinar, OR outbound URL.  PDF size limit is 6MB.