Endodontics Insider: Resilon bests gutta-percha at preventing root fractures

Dear Endodontics Insider,

Gutta-percha is often considered the gold standard for obturating root canals, but a polymer-based filling material may be better at preventing vertical root fractures. A new systematic review found that Resilon bested gutta-percha at preventing these fractures in hundreds of extracted teeth. Read more in our Insider Exclusive.

In other Endodontics Community news, an international team of researchers developed a list of dental never events -- patient care incidents that safety experts agree should never happen. See what potential endodontic catastrophes made the list here.

The dental industry is tied up in the ongoing trade showdown between the U.S. and China, but the news may not be as bad for dentists and endodontists as originally thought. Dental drill engines, dental fillings, and dental cements weren't on the latest list of products and material that would have tariffs imposed on their import from China. However, other dental imaging and anesthesia products remain on the list to have a 25% tariff imposed beginning in July. Learn more here.

Finally, not all endodontic files are equal when it comes to reducing pain after root canal treatment. A new study found that patients reported less pain after being treated by one type of nickel-titanium file. Click here to find out which systems were the best (and worst) at reducing postoperative pain.

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