'Toothsome Rex': The president with the winning smile



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An Aztec T. R. Day Book. January 10, 1916.

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Kimberly RC. The Health of Theodore Roosevelt. Theodore Roosevelt Association Journal. 1979;3:7-11.

Knew Teddy by his teeth. Jasper News. January 17, 1918.

Nature-faking. Day Book. August 24, 1916.

Archival materials

Morris E. Medical history of Theodore Roosevelt (notes made in course of researching Colonel Roosevelt). Harvard University Library.


Crawford MJ. The Lasting Influence of Theodore Roosevelt's Naval War of 1812. International Journal of Naval History. 2002;1(1).

John Augustine Zahm. Wikipedia website. Updated March 19, 2013.

McKay B, McKay K. How to speed read like Theodore Roosevelt. The Art of Manliness website. October 18, 2009.

National Collegiate Athletic Association, History. Wikipedia website. Updated April 14, 2013.

Roosevelt T. Theodore Roosevelt: A brief biography. Theodore Roosevelt Association website.

Theodore Roosevelt. Wikipedia website. Updated April 18, 2013.

Writings of Theodore Roosevelt. Fr. Frog website. Updated February 27, 2010.

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