There is a critical moment in case presentations -- after treatment has been recommended and the fee has been mentioned -- when a patient begins asking questions. This is a sign that the patient has entered the decision-making stage. Whether seeking clarification or posing objections, the patient is working toward a conclusion. Answering these questions is your opportunity to win case acceptance.
Use scripting to deliver understandable, convincing answers. With scripting, you should be able to answer any question in a way that not only informs the patient but also builds confidence in your professional skills and your recommendation. If the answer involves technical information, simplify it. If you feel strongly about the case, allow that conviction to show. You're not just providing answers, you're removing the last barriers to acceptance.
Don't let technical terminology get in the way. Language that makes perfect sense to you and your staff will be virtually meaningless to many patients. Set it aside. Without showing irritation or impatience, use everyday language to answer, reassure, and persuade the patient to accept your recommendation.