Week in Review: Time for new antibiotic guidelines | Implant for sleep apnea | Best camera for dental photos

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

Is it time to change antibiotic prophylaxis guidelines? A group of dentists and physicians says absolutely yes. Our top story of the week details why.

In a commentary published in the Journal of the American Dental Association, the group says new data shows that there is no rationale to give antibiotics to patients with prosthetic joints before invasive dental procedures. They asked the ADA and the American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons to develop a joint guidance, which the two organizations have not done since 2003.

Trial shows promise for sleep apnea implant

A surgically implanted device that moves a person's tongue forward during sleep reduced sleep apnea severity in children with Down syndrome, according to newly published clinical trial results. The pacemakerlike device has been used to effectively treat obstructive sleep apnea in adults, but this was the first phase I clinical trial to evaluate its use in this unique population.

In related news, a short communication questioned the safety of submandibular gland ligation to control drooling for some children with autism. It profiled the case of a 6-year-old boy with autism who experienced life-threatening throat swelling and airway compromise after the procedure, which had been promoted as simple and low risk.

And the best camera for dental photos is ...

Digital single-lens reflector, point-and-shoot, and smartphone cameras are frequently used in everyday life, but which one is most suitable for dental photography? A recent study suggests that point-and-shoot cameras seemed to produce the most consistent quality results. But the study had one big caveat: It used an iPhone model from 2014.

Gut microbe contributes to jaw bone loss

Last but not least, researchers discovered one gut microbe that affects the immune system and can result in bone loss in the jaw. In the study, mice with a specific gut microbe had worse alveolar bone loss than those that lacked all microbes. The finding not only links periodontal health to inflammatory bowel conditions, but it also suggests that probiotics may help prevent gum disease-related bone loss.

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