Silver nitrate and silver fluoride use; advantages of DSOs; issues in clinical trials?

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

In the first of a two-part series, Dr. John Frachella makes the case for using silver nitrate and silver fluoride when treating already decayed teeth in children. In this column, he offers a real-world perspective on treating pediatric patients and looks at the scope of the caries problem in the U.S.

In the second part of their series, the partners and associates from the law firm McGuireWoods look at some of the advantages of dental services organizations (DSOs), including technology, best clinical practices, capital, and more. Read more here.

The dental community should be a little more wary of articles detailing clinical trials published in peer-reviewed journals, according to a new review of clinical trials in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The findings of trials are sometimes published without any note of their scientific misconduct found by the Food and Drug Administration, the author found. Read Assistant Editor Theresa Pablo's article here.

Cone-beam CT (CBCT) is often used for implant planning, cases of impacted teeth and trauma, periapical diagnosis, and more, but it is well known that it delivers a higher radiation dose than other imaging methods. The authors of a new study advise practitioners to consider the diagnostic task when evaluating CBCT images and image quality. Read more here.

We return to our usual Letter from the Editor schedule next week, so look for them next Monday and Wednesday. Later today, look for our Restoratives Insider, with an exclusive article on treatment plans for patients with advanced tooth wear who need extensive restoration at increased occlusal vertical dimension. If you aren't already an Insider, you can sign up here.

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