Cosmetic Dentistry Insider: Study seeks best cleanser for denture biofilm

Dear Cosmetic Dentistry Insider,

While keeping dentures clean can be a challenge, it is important for a patient's oral health to try to eliminate the Candida albicans biofilm that grows on these appliances. A new study tested three denture cleansers on three different denture resins to find out how effective they are against this fungus. Read our Insider Exclusive.

In other Cosmetics Community news, stroke survivors who also have sleep apnea are more likely to experience another stroke or even die, according to study presented recently at the American Stroke Association's International Stroke Conference. The researchers highlighted several risk factors in their presentation. Learn more here.

If you're having trouble keeping your schedule full, consider launching a campaign to bring in new patients for professional whitening at a special price, recommends Dr. Roger P. Levin. This campaign will keep staff busy and also give prospective patients direct exposure to your office and team. Read more here.

The type of denture your patients wear appears to have a long-term impact on how satisfied they are with their oral health-related quality of life. A new study found that patients with implant-retained overdentures reported a significantly better quality of life than those with conventional dentures. Learn more here.

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