Search Help

Helpful tips for using our search tool

Search Terms
To search for items containing ALL of the words you enter, separate the words with the keyword 'AND.' Example: Searching on brain AND tumor will ensure that your results contain both words.

To search for items containing ANY of the words you enter, separate them with the keyword 'OR.' Example: Searching on oral OR surgery returns articles containing EITHER of the words 'oral' or 'surgery.' Searching on oral surgery also returns articles containing either of the words 'oral' or 'surgery.' If the words appear together, they will be ranked above the results that contain only one of the words.

To search for EXACT PHRASES, type quotes around the phrase.
Example: Using search terms "brain tumor" AND imaging returns any articles containing the phrase "brain tumor" and the word imaging.

The wildcard character of "*" can also be used.
Example: You can shortname a search for "osteonecrosis" by using "osteo*"

Search Rank Order
By default, search results are displayed in date order, with newer items appearing toward the top of the list of results. Your search results can be sorted in rank order by selecting the "Sort by rank" link at the top of the page. Rank is determined in part by how close the search terms appear toward the top of the page and also by the frequency with which the terms appear on the page.

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