Workers' comp patients not so bad; time to rethink your irrigation method?

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

Dental practitioners have historically shied away from workers' comp cases because of low reimbursement and complicated claims processes.

But a company that works with insurance companies and guarantees payment to dentists while also streamlining the paperwork has recruited thousands of dentists to treat such cases. And many of these patients often become repeat customers.

Read more in this latest Practice Management Community feature.

In Restoratives Community news, syringe irrigation is the most common technique used for clearing dentin debris during root canals. But when methods of clearing debris in root canals are compared, activated techniques have been found to outperform syringe irrigation. Is it time to consider a change? Read more.

In other clinical news, two new studies show that the drug palifermin helps reduce the rate, severity, and duration of severe oral mucositis in head and neck cancer patients receiving chemoradiotherapy. Click here to read more, or visit the Oral Cancer & Diagnostics Community.

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