ADA Library debate not over; DSMOs cited in NM disciplinary actions

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

The ADA House of Delegates may have voted last month to support significant cutbacks in funding for the ADA Library, but for many in the dental community the issue is far from over.

Comments in the Forums about the proposed restrictions on library services and reductions in staffing have ranged from "unconscionable" to "shocking" and "very disappointing."

Some are also questioning the necessity of cost-cutting measures the ADA contends will ensure the association's financial stability. Read more in this analysis by Dr. Mary Hayes about the steps leading up to the House of Delegates vote and how it reflects on the ADA's core values.

In other news, critics of dental management service organizations (DSMOs) will find this review of disciplinary actions discharged by the New Mexico Board of Dental Health between June 27, 2011, and August 7, 2012, of interest.

Meanwhile, over in the Restoratives Community, a study in the current Journal of the American Dental Association found that using the Isolite isolation system or a dental dam in conjunction with high-volume evacuation (HVE) resulted in significantly less spatter than using HVE alone. Read more.

And finally, in her latest Dental Diaries entry, Dr. Sheri Doniger reminds us that whether at the office or at home, it is important to stay abreast of expiration dates on food, medicines, and other perishable materials.

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