OSAP, NIOSH to survey dental practices about exposure control

The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) are conducting a survey to gather information on the use of exposure control plans for reducing the risk of exposure to blood and other potentially infectious materials in private dental practices.

The online survey of private dental practices will be conducted from January 28 to February 28. Survey invitees will be selected from a distribution list from Aegis Communications that has teamed with OSAP to help distribute the online survey.

"We encourage the dental practices that receive the email invitation from Aegis to complete the brief online survey," said OSAP Executive Director Therese Long. "The information is completely anonymous -- but the aggregated data will help to identify available exposure control resources and potential barriers so better strategies can be developed to improve the safety of dental healthcare workers."

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