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Dos and don'ts for interdisciplinary cases: Improve interoffice communication
When you refer patients to a specialty practice, you can end up alienating them because the two offices may fail to communicate with each other in a timely, efficient way. In his latest Practice Success tip, Dr. Roger P. Levin advises taking the lead in clarifying exactly how you and the specialist will keep each other updated on a patient's progress and case developments.
Second Opinion: Georgians need more than new campaign
In this Second Opinion, Suzanne Newkirk, RDH, advocates for better oral healthcare for all Georgians. She points out the difficulties many rural and poor Georgians face in trying to access oral healthcare and urges the Georgia Dental Association to work to increase access to care.
Case #464: 8-year-old girl with gingival lesion
An 8-year-old girl with a lesion over the alveolar ridge at the place of tooth No. 7.

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