AADEJ calls for award nominees

2020 03 05 19 48 2772 Trophy Award 400

The American Association of Dental Editors and Journalists (AADEJ) is calling for entries for its awards program honoring excellence in dental journalism.

The awards program is supported by the ADA Council on Communications and was established to recognize dental editors who exemplify the highest standards in the field.

Submissions are now being accepted in the following two award categories:

  • Distinguished Dental Editor Award: This award recognizes editors who have brought exceptional credit to their society, dental journalism, the dental profession, and organized dentistry through the production of high-quality publications and superior leadership.
  • Dental Editor Service Award: This award recognizes continuous service as an editor of a tripartite constituent and/or component publication, including fulfillment of all appropriate responsibilities and duties in five-year increments (beginning with the 10th year) as of the date of hire.

Entries must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. ET on Friday, June 3, 2022. The winners will be announced at the AADEJ's annual conference, which will be October 12-13, 2022, in Houston.

For more information on entry guidelines and eligibility requirements for each award, visit the AADEJ's website.

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