Survey to assess medical emergency preparedness

The Raven Maria Blanco Foundation is seeking at least 500 dental patients to participate in an online survey regarding attitudes and knowledge about medical emergency preparedness in dental offices.

The 35-question survey is free and open to the public through the month of February. The questions cover knowledge of a general dentist's training, staff preparedness, emergency plans, medications, equipment, and action plans.

The results will be valuable to dental professionals to help update and maintain the proper level of emergency preparedness, according to the foundation. In addition, it will give insight to dental malpractice liability for patients seeking legal help. The information will also be used in published medical documents.

The foundation was formed to help raise awareness about serious health issues that may arise while at the dentist. Raven, the foundation's namesake, was 8 years old when she died during a routine procedure in 2007. She received three times the average range of sedatives for a child of her weight and height.

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