Hygiene Insider: Dentistry after dark? Floss Bar extends hygienist hours

Dear Hygiene Insider,

A new start-up wants to expand dental office hours to nights and weekends. The company, called Floss Bar, allows patients to schedule an appointment with a hygienist during hours when dental offices typically aren't in use. Will this model get additional patients in for hygiene and other treatments? Read our Insider Exclusive.

In other Hygiene Community news, your patients may struggle with keeping their dentures clean, but it is important to try to eliminate the Candida albicans biofilm that grows on their appliances. A new study tested three denture cleansers on three different denture resins to find out how effective they are against this fungus. Learn more here.

The importance of proper hygiene and maintaining healthy mouth bacteria goes beyond just oral health, writes periodontist Dr. Alvin Danenberg. He looks at the research that examines the role of oral bacteria in preventing elevated blood pressure. Read more here.

Research suggests that there's a link between periodontal disease and diabetes, but now a new systematic review adds to the evidence. Periodontal treatment moderately but significantly improved glycemic control in patients with diabetes, the authors found. Learn more here. You can also obtain continuing education credits for this article here.

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