Do's and don'ts for increasing practice efficiency

Dental practices are businesses, and businesses that are more efficient are more successful. If you want to increase practice revenue every year, then a continual focus on efficiency is essential.

Practice Success Do

Document all operational systems. Every practice should periodically review each of its systems for efficiency. Otherwise, each system will gradually break down to some level of inefficiency. This results in wasted time, lost revenue, and higher overhead. Every practice that wants to increase revenue every year will need to focus on updating and upgrading systems. The best way to accomplish that is to document every practice system in a step-by-step manner.

Practice Success Dont

Don't be fooled by technology. We often find practices being convinced that they must have the newest and the latest technology at great expense, only to find that the improvements are marginal. For example, is it worthwhile to make a large investment for a 1% improvement in clinical quality? Some practitioners would say yes, but the general wisdom is that the answer is no. Don't be coerced, influenced, or even fooled into jumping on the newest technology bandwagon thinking that that is what will improve practice efficiency.

Dr. Roger P. Levin is CEO of Levin Group, a leading practice management and marketing consulting firm. To contact him or to join the 40,000 dental professionals who receive his Practice Production Tip of the Day, visit or email [email protected].

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