Week in Review: The Naked Dentist uncovers hygiene productivity

How is your hygiene department doing? Is there office disagreement about productivity? In his latest Naked Dentist column, Curtis Marshall details how he helped one practice increase the productivity of its hygiene department by tracking the numbers. The actual numbers might surprise you.

Education programs for midlevel dental providers could be accredited as soon as August 2016, after a recent Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) meeting determined that the accreditation process can begin for these programs. Read more here.

The number of large dental firms is growing, along with their profits and the number of employees, according to a new research brief by the ADA Health Policy Institute. The study findings present a continuation of recent trends toward larger, consolidated dental practices. Read Features Editor Donna Domino's article here.

A growing number of adults have stopped making dental appointments regularly. If you have a substantial number of inactive patients, take steps to maintain your relationship with them and, ideally, bring them back in for a visit. Otherwise, you may lose them forever, notes Dr. Roger P. Levin in his latest Practice Success tip.

The news that CODA determined that the accreditation process can begin for midlevel dental providers brought strong reactions from both sides of the discussion. Where do you stand? Discuss this issue, and more, with your peers and colleagues in our Forums.

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