Are some BPA risks overblown? And, 'going green' can save dentists money

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

A new study in the journal Pediatrics is stirring the bisphenol A (BPA) pot once again, most notably in the popular press. From the New York Times to MSNBC and CNN, this week saw numerous warnings about the potential risks some BPA-laced dental materials pose, especially to pregnant women and pediatric patients.

But the study authors claim that because a dental patient's exposure to BPA from resins and sealants is short-lived and the long-term risks are unclear, dental practitioners can safely continue to use these products by following a few simple guidelines. Read more.

In other news, did you know that "going green" is not only good for the planet, but for your pocketbook too? Environmental experts say that replacing disposable dental products used for infection control and sterilization with more eco-friendly products can save your practice thousands of dollars a year. Read their tips here.

Over in the Coaches Corner, Dr. Alan Goldstein recently took a few minutes to jot down 10 positive things about his practice, and was pleasantly surprised to find how easy and inspiring the experiment was.

Finally, if you haven't done so already, please take a few minutes to respond to our most recent reader survey. You'll be entered in a drawing to win an iPad, and help us improve DrBicuspid in the process. Click here to get started -- we want to know what you think!

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