Richard GellerDental EducationIs one mistake ruining your advertising?In his latest column, marketing guru Richard Geller explains why many times advertising leads will fail to develop into an actual patient.May 11, 2009MarketingThe downside of social mediaThe new reach of social media Web sites such as Facebook have a dark side you must be aware of. Marketing guru Richard Geller discusses what you must know about social media and bad reviews.April 26, 2009MarketingHow to blog for new patientsIn his latest Marketing Madness column, Richard Geller discusses how to create a blog, what should be in it, and how to create articles in five minutes per day even if you have no time.April 20, 2009MarketingWhat's in a domain name?Choosing a domain name for your practice should be a simple decision that enhances your online presence. But choosing the wrong one can cost you.April 9, 2009Dental EducationThe dos and don'ts of e-mail marketingWant to learn how to build relationships with hundreds, even thousands, of prospective patients -- at almost no cost? Read Richard Geller's latest Marketing Madness column.March 29, 2009MarketingThe 3 (unexpected) keys to successful e-mail marketingIs e-mailing your patients every day really an effective marketing tool? Absolutely, says Richard Geller in his latest Marketing Madness column.March 12, 2009Practice Sales3 keys to selling dentistry -- and why they workA number of people avoid going to the dentist out of fear. What can you do to leapfrog this all-too-common problem and get them into your chair? In his latest Marketing Madness column, Richard Geller outlines three simple -- but effective -- techniques.February 9, 2009Dental EducationE-mail: The best way to reach out to patientsIf you are not collecting your patients' e-mail addresses and using them -- daily -- to market your practice, you are missing one of the best marketing opportunities around, says Richard Geller in his latest Marketing Madness column.January 27, 2009InsuranceHow to maintain a grin when the economy caves inFeel like you need a recession (or depression) survival kit? In his latest Marketing Madness column, Richard Geller offers three tactics for growing your practice when the going gets tough.January 14, 2009Practice SalesThe secret to discretionary dentistryAre you better off selling people something they need or selling them something they want? In his latest Marketing Madness column, Richard Geller reveals the secret to success in discretionary dentistry.December 25, 2008Previous PagePage 2 of 4Next PageTop StoriesLegal IssuesDental manager sues ex-employer for disability discriminationA dental office manager has filed a disability discrimination lawsuit accusing her employer of falsely firing her.Immune SystemThis gum disease germ may exacerbate rheumatoid arthritisLegal IssuesDentist hauled off to jail for violating probationRestorationsUse of dental amalgam restorations in the U.S. plummeted 80%Sponsor ContentFREE WEBINAR